With the aim of making visible and raising awareness about FEMALE GENITALIA (menstrual periods, endometriosis, tumors, HPV, cancer, among others), Areli Moran begins the development of an DIGITAL ARCHIVE – ARTISTIC/INFORMATIVE/TESTIMONIAL ABOUT FEMALE GENITALIA

On this last years I have been sharing my story, with other woman and I have listen to theirs. The more I keep sharing the more I was observing that most of them, like me, didn’t have information or were never on conversations about those subjects until their cases started.

Everybody is different and even when a “problem” or diagnosis is on the same “category”, the story change from one to other person. Factors as the doctor visits, the way of being treated, places they live on, emotional confrontations, age, and nameless of factors that create each experience unique and important.

I value experience because of that uniqueness and apart from the medical and scientific factors that we can find on books or the internet, we rarely hear from the voice of whom experienced it.

Many the stories I heard have helped me to feel that I am not alone on this journey and I wish I heard them before.

Inspired by the stories and the lack of personal information available I decided to create this new project “The womb project” to give space and time to listen those bodies and to visibilize female genitalia subjects.

The process of “The womb project” as started with a month residency in Centro Huarte for contemporary art in Pamplona, here I am encounter with other women, I am carrying out interviews, movement practice and creative process with them. All this material will be part of a digital archive on a website.

Residency at Centro Huarte for contemporary art is Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe

You can be part of this project, share your story, have a creative process with me, or bring the project to other places where more women can participate.

Contact: arelimoranbal@gmail.com

Información en Español para participar en el proyecto continua en pagina 2